Sunday, April 1, 2012

I have a "Sinking" Feeling....

Well it's that time of my life again, when random occurrences combine to make one entire week of twisted moments that make me reconsider if everything on this earth is connected or not.

And I'm here to reaffirm that it is.  All connected.  Every last bit.  To some degree or another that you or I may or may not even understand.  Once I understand that and accept that as reality, I'm able to have fun with what life throws my way.  Allow me to explain.

But first, I have to go take my banana bread out of the oven.  I think it's ready!

...Just kidding- that was just a pitiful attempt to come across as more of the "Martha Stewart (Stuart?) Type" that just blogs carefree whimsical thoughts while baking bread.

I really am baking bread, though...but make no mistake: my kitchen is a wreck and I decided to play on the computer instead of clean it.  Damn it.

Anyway, I'm really eager to show this video to anyone who is willing to watch it.  Seth and I have been monitoring this sink hole in front of our house for a couple of days now.  It's getting larger each day- doubling in size, to be exact.  Don't panic, I sent in a report to our city about it.  However, our neighbor informed us that this is caused by water leaks.  I'm actually quite convinced that our water leak has caused the sub-ground (which must be a legit term) to erode and thus causing the ground to sink.  The concrete to fold like a soggy graham cracker.  Like I said- don't worry.  I'm totally monitoring the situation.  Will is currently on the scene to give us the latest...

1 comment:

  1. Don't drive over it Lauren, you never know how big it could be under there. Water plus sand equals quicksand.

