Monday, April 2, 2012

Open Relationships and A.D.D

Several of my fans have been writing me lately and I really appreciate it.  One in particular came from my good friend, Chris,  I used to work for his mom, actually....That's how we met years ago.  He asks "Hey- Lauren, I love hearing about what you have to say about things.  What do you think of Open Relationships?"

Well, I'll try to keep this short and sweet, but let me assure you- being a product of my family, my first inclination is to AVOID THE CRAP out of this question.  But oh no, I will confront my personal issues to provide you with my [researchless and completely opinion based] editorial.

What do I think about people who choose to be in a relationship that is "nonmonogamous"?  First off, the semantics really bothers me just in that statement alone.  To say NON-monogamous is to say that the idea of one partner is the "root" word...or the assumed standard.  C'mon.  That's such a Fox-News word and you should have recognized that from the get-go.  If someone wants to date around, sleep around, and just generally BE around- who am I to assign a positive or a negative judgement?  Don't put it in my face, and we're good.  Don't wear a Disney Character T-shirt, and we're good.  
Don't do this. Ever.

I mean, just because it has a TERM, or a NAME for "it", doesn't mean that "it" changes anything.  For example- A.D.D.  It's a real "disease" or a "disability". Well, whatever- but does it leave you bed-ridden?  Does it endanger your life?  No- it simply makes people channel surf, change the subject a lot, and have crazy random ideas.  It isn't good or bad.  In fact, it sounds like most of my friends.

Just like open relationships.  I'm not one to say if it's good, bad, or anything.  Just like A.D.D....and since it's all related, it all just seems to make sense.....Open Relationships are like having relationship A.D.D.  Do what you want, but don't look at me to give it a thumbs up- or down.  Because honestly?  I don't really care about what you do.  I probably won't see it, though, because I usually get weirded out and leave when I meet straight up swingers.    

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