Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Padre Island is my home now.

So Seffro and I moved in to the coolest, dopest pad EVAR on North Padre Island. We got stuck in the sand Friday on Packery Chanel. We were just looking for houses and I was staring at the GPS when I realize seth is throwing the suburban in reverse, then drive, then reverse, then drive again and we're not budging. Then he goes, "get help"....haha....I was like, "WHAT?! are you CEREAL?"...But there I was- on a sandy marsh, stuck in sand, with all of our belongings in the back of this truck. Meanwhile we were sinking about 9 inches into the soft sand. I started walking to the nearest truck that we passed about 10 minutes prior. A man with his two sons fishing. "Hey, sorry to bother y'all," I yelled over the swamp,"do y'all mind pulling us out? We seem to be stuck." This guy, I later found was named the same as my own father, Josh, was more than gracious and willing to help pull us out. I thought we were home free- I hopped in his four wheel drive F150 and we went to pull the truck out. Sure enough, we got Josh stuck too! Oh man, it was quite an adventure. I wound up walking around the island and turned a sand- duned corner to find these high school kids drinking cold beer and crabbing. They had this ridiculously huge monster truck look-alike. They pulled us out like the dentist pulling out a wisdom tooth!

All was well.

Either way, it's 10:45, we're about to watch the movie from the local "red box" called Religulous. We had our second great dinner we cooked in our awesome new kitchen. Our back yard backs up to the canal system that pours into the gulf. There's hurricane Alex coming. No big deal- just another excuse to drink cold beer.

Movie is on. More to come. Loving Texas. Can't get much better- oh yeah- I got a job at the local coffee shop. NBD.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Edna doesn't SOUND like a small town in Texas......

Driving for hours on end really gives me a chance to evaluate my moods. I won't call them "swings", but my moods do adjust according to a few factors: how long it has been since I've eaten, how safe I feel, and how excited I am to be somewhere OTHER than where I am at the moment.

Does that make sense? Well, as a run down- not to bore you- of what I've been up to, I'll spare you with lengthy seemingly witty sentences and just do bullet points:
-left Raleigh on Thursday night
-Hung out in Greensboro all weekend
-Left for Texas on Tuesday morning at 6:00 am
-Arrived in Biloxi, Mississippi Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm
-Touched "oil" saturated Gulf at 8:00 pm
-Drank a $3.50 gin and tonic in a sketchy Biloxi casino restaurant
-Threw away $5.00 in stupid slots next to some 40 year old woman who looked 90
-Woke up at 7:00 am Wednesday
-Sleeping in Edna, Texas tonight- Wednesday night

Gosh, the more I realize it, the more I realize how busy we actually have been. Seth and I ate dinner at this mexican restaurant that Sarah recommended to us. Sarah works at this luxurious Best Western next to the Whattaburger here in Edna. Stone Cold Steve Austin is from Edna, btw....found that out after I googled this place.

Texas isn't so bad. I liked Louisiana the most out of this trip. We are about 120 miles north of Corpus Christi. We are going to wake up early in the morning and go to Corpus Christi. Hey hum, what are we going to do when we get to Corpus Christi?

....get a couch and a TV stand.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday and still no Texas

Well, it is day 4 of my move to Texas and I haven't made too much progress. Seth and I are camped out here at his parent's wonderful house in Summerfield, NC. It's very nice up here and it is a good in-between spot for me to get used to not being at home with my friends and family in Raleigh. I'm not as emotional as I was about a week ago. Today is father's day and I haven't cried or gotten too homesick. I am a huge baby about that, but hey- suck it. I'm the one moving to Texas.

My phone crashed yesterday. I thought I may have dreamed it, or had a couple too many beers/gin and tonics on Friday night. But nooo- I got what many people on youtube call the "White Screen of Death". Seth and his whole family escorted me to the Apple store to get it settled. Thank goodness everything worked out well and nobody had to get shot.

...what are the odds?

Well, I'm going to sign out now. We plan on leaving first thing on Tuesday morning. I'll keep updates coming as I find time. Not like anyone is reading this. I have to prove to myself that I can be consistent before I start sharing this with anyone.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Steers and Queers, Eh?

So I'm moving to Texas. I had a strange epiphany in WalMart tonight. I decided to document all the various types of people based on the WalMarts of a region. So, here I am. Starting a blog all because of a trip to WalMart.

The title of this blog? I chose "Today, I Moo" because I've always heard that Texas was full of steers and queers. Sorry, Mom, but people DO say that. But, you're welcome mom, as much as I love Ellen, Today, I Moo.

So- More to come on this blog at blogspot.com. I'm going to document my thoughts, concerns, experiences, homesicknesses, and other amusing things that only I really find entertaining.

On that note, I'm completely sober, it's a Friday night, my computer is almost dead and my cell phone also needs to charge. I wonder if that's a sign. A sign to MOVE TO TEXAS! Let's go!