Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Conversations in My Head

I actually apologized to a man in the grocery store yesterday because I was speaking to myself quite audibly. I am a pretty "aware" person- I knew I was doing it. I know exactly what we were talking about- which bottle of wine to buy. I frequently find myself weighing strange pros and cons for what wine to buy. Usually price and creativity of label become the trump-cards. Anyway, sure enough, I look up and there's a normal human carrying on right beside me. I guess it doesn't really matter- people do worse things than talk to themselves in public. However, I'd like to think I was raised better than letting my crazy show. Meh, I'm not really crazy...Lazy? Maybe...but crazy, I'd argue it's mostly just unjustifiably analytical. In other news, I've seen a lot of ads for iced coffee lately. A great website to graze through. I like this recipe to make iced coffee because it is fool proof and totally caters to people who like to set it up and use it on an as-needed basis.