Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kayaking, biking, beaches, and painting- OH MY

Well, I think it is official: the newness is starting to fade. Remember when you got that awesome toy from Santa for christmas and you were convinced that you'd never ant anything ever again? I do...Call it it spoiled...either way...Seth and I officially started asking each other "what's next?" today when we were taking inventory of our activities here on the island.

So, we did what any other normal, adventure loving, excitement addicts would do: we hopped in the car and drove to a place we'd never been before with the sole intention of meeting people and making friends. Well, I like having that natural inclination because it pretty much guarantees fun and new experiences. And SURE ENOUGH- we went to the "mail and more" store (HAHAHA...don't judge...there are like 5 stores on this place)and faxed off some paperwork and Seth ordered a latte.

Ok, wow, this is getting slow. Time for cliffnotes.
-The health inspector showed up.
-We drove to the marine store to get a cast net.
-Made friends with Fred and Tim- both captains around here. Got some good fishin' info!
-Came home and I started reading my "How the States got their Shapes" book....and fell asleep on the couch.
-I woke up to Seth on the phone with somebody about some boat.
-We made gin and tonics in water bottles and hopped on our bikes and went for a bike ride to go check out this boat.
-It was a piece, pretty much...bad fiber glass...and seth almost broke it.

OH, side note- there are these things down here I call sand spurs- but they re like little balls of pain that stick to anything- and stick INSIDE of your skin without even thinking twice.

Kay bye. Abrupt ending.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Holiday Weekend? Try Holiday Life.

I am rather torn, lately. We've been in Texas for 8 days now and whenever my parents call, or my friends ask me what's up, I feel like I want to tell them everything going on! Considering I'm a yapper and I talk....a lot...often...I find myself going on and on about how awesome life is down here in Padre Island. I remember wondering before I left Raleigh if I'd spend my nights crying myself to sleep wishing so much I hadn't left. It hasn't happened. In fact, the only rut of emotional drama I went through (note how detached I am from accountability on THAT sentence...ahaha) was in Biloxi, MS. I hated it there. I can't really put my finger on WHY I got so sad, but I'm fairly confident (in retrospect) that I was both extremely uncomfortable around excessive gambling- by the poorest of the poor and my halting awareness that I wasn't in "Kansas" anymore.

BUT EFF THAT ESS NOW, B! I'm in TEXAS and it's AWESOME. I haven't released this blog to the public yet, so I don't know if/when anyone will ever read this- but if I can have one sentence of preaching in my own blog:

If you ever have the opportunity to jump off a cliff. Do it. It took me 27 years to jump off a cliff. Fortunately, the other side of my cliff was a 4,00o foot drop into an beautiful house on an island with a wonderfully sweet, smart, and hawt guy named Seth....but I really had no idea what I was walking in to.

And just to bring it all back to reality, it has only been 8 days, HAHA. I still have a lot of living left to do. Seth reports to work on the 13th of July and is actually leaving for a week later on this month...and then for 2 weeks in August. It's ok, though, I figure- we've spent a lot of time far apart. I think we've got the long distance thing down pat.

Usually, I'd quite typing here because nobody likes blogs where people ramble, but I realized that nobody actually does see this. And lord knows, if somebody does read this it'll prolly be me because, furthermore, I'm the only one that really gives two shits about what's going on with me.

So, today Seth and I decided to hop in the car and continue exploring this new place we call home. We live on Padre Island. About 15 minutes north of Padre is Mustang Park and then further north of that is Port Aransas. NOT PORT ARKANSAS....serious difference here- you'll look not only like a NO0B to say ARKANSAS, but it's almost like dropping the "N" word...I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to make a connection for those out there....trying to make a point...oh yeah, for myself. ANYWAY- so Seth and I drove his truck out on this beach where there were thousands of people and hundreds of cars- parked on the beach! It was just like Emerald Isle, except the people were slightly better looking and drunker....oh yeah, and none of those pesky marines were trying to pester you to play cornhole. BUT there was cornhole! Seth and I went walking out on this Jedi- okay, not Jedi, a JETTI, and just as we were going out there this HUGE and I mean ENORMOUS ship was PLOWING through this inlet. Seth claims this ship was 400 feet long- omg, it was hands down the largest ship I've ever seen moving in water. I snatched a picture.

Anyway, things are going well. To say the least. I'm listening to my Tribe Called Quest Pandora station as I type this and it makes me feel like I'm at home...I am at home! That's the beauty of this whole thing.